Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Posts from November 2017

Hoping in the Dark

Sunday, Dec 17 – 9:30am and 11:15am Hoping in the Dark – The approaching winter solstice when the world is darkest is the best season of the year to explore the many different ways that hope helps us through times of spiritual darkness and uncertainty

To Fish in the Sky

Sunday, Dec 10 – 9:30am and 11:15am To Fish in the Sky – Henry David Thoreau, whose bicentennial we celebrate this year, used this phrase to describe his search for enlightenment. Rev. Wayne will connect Thoreau’s fishing to Buddha, Jack Kerouac, and you!

Crossing Borders: Bridging the Political Divide

Sunday, Dec 3 – 9:30am and 11:15am Crossing Borders: Bridging the Political Divide – UU is a liberal religion. That does not mean only political liberals are welcome, or it shouldn’t. It is natural to feel comfortable being with people who think like us. But is that our mission? Do we have any responsibility to grow our religion? Paul Roche and Allie…