Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Offering/Split Plate Donation

Thank you for contributing to the UUCS split plate offering. Two-thirds will go to the Church and one-third will go to our social justice cause which generally changes monthly. The monthly recipients are chosen by our Justice Committee. Occasionally the offering is designated for a Special Collection by the Board of Trustees.

Examples would be for an entity associated with a Guest Speaker or for disaster relief. Special Collections may either be one-third of the collection or 100% of the collection, as determined by the Board of Trustees. In months with five Sundays, 100% of the 5th Sunday collection goes to the Minister’s Discretionary Fund.

Please be aware that UUCS pays a fee if you use Paypal.

You can also donate by sending a check (please note what it is for in the Memo) to:

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling
P.O. Box 1632
Sterling, VA 20167