Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Women’s Self-Defense Class

Women only, age 16 and up (minors must be accompanied by an adult). Wear comfortable clothes. The fee is $30.00. Signup at the bottom of this page.

PRO-ACT:  A PROACTIVE, target driven approach to personal protection.

The average person takes many measures to protect themselves and their families, including car and home insurance, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide sensors…but what about personal safety?  This program allows participants to take responsibility for their own personal safety.

Reality based workshops are specifically designed to train the non-martial artist, regardless of gender or fitness level.  Through physical and mental exercises, this class will help participants understand the skills needed to recognize and survive potential confrontations.

*    Learn techniques that are simple, effective, and easy to learn and duplicate
*    Learn that the word “victim” is a state of mind
*    Learn to take a proactive role in your own personal protection

Instructor: Bruce Chiu

A former Law Enforcement Officer and champion Martial Arts competitor, Bruce Chiu began his martial arts training in 1971.  Mr. Chiu holds a 7th degree black belt or higher equivalent in American Karate, Modern Arnis, and Chinese Kung Fu.  He has been teaching for over 25 years.  His students include members of several state and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, including the Florida Department of Law, Florida State Troopers, BATF, DEA, members of America’s elite military units and the United States Secret Service.

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