Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Media Relations Policy


To establish internal guidelines on the ways in which information is to be relayed to the media on behalf of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling.


It is the policy of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling that any requests from the media (whether print, audio, or video) for an official UUCS position shall be directed to the Minister, Board President, or another member of the Board of Trustees for response.


In the event that a member or friend of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling is approached by a representative of the media and asked to comment on behalf of UUCS, he/she shall state that the Minister or a member of the Board of Trustees must provide any official response. Accordingly he/she may by:

  • referring the requestor to the Minister or Board member if present,
  • providing the phone number and/or web address of UUCS or a Board member to the requestor, or
  • obtaining the contact information of the requestor and forwarding it to the Board at for response


Upon notification from a member or friend that a media request has been made for an official position of UUCS, the Board member shall try to obtain consensus from the Minister and as many board members as possible before responding to the media request. In the event that time does not allow for this solicitation of Board consensus and the question regards a previously stated position of UUCS, the Board Member shall use his/her best judgment to respond in a manner that would represent the will of the Board and the best interest of the congregation.