Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Sunday Service ONLINE

“The Beauty of Shared Ministry”

Led By: Rev. Ashley Burczak

14 July 2024

Welcome – Rev. Ashley Burczak

Gathering Hymn – Rosalie Clavez
#360 ‘Here We Have Gathered’

Welcome and Announcements – Colleen Bongiovanni

New Visitor?

Ringing the Bowl – Colleen Bongiovanni

Invocation – Rosalie Clavez

This is another day we have been given.
This is indeed a sacred day.
Let us be grateful for the capacity to sense, feel, and understand.
Let us be grateful for the incredible gift of life,
And let us be especially grateful for
the ties of love which bind us together
Giving dignity, meaning, worth and joy to all of our days.

Chalice Lighting – Rev. Ashley Burczak

Chalice Hymn – Rosalie Clavez
#347 ‘Gather The Spirit’

Time For All Ages – Rev. Ashley Burczak
‘What We’ll Build’ by Oliver Jeffers

Pause for the children and others to gather

“As You Go” by Kathleen Tracy
We hold you in our love as you go, as you go.
May your heart be at peace, as you go
To nurture the spark of your precious life.
We hold you in our love as you go.

Response to Violence Bell Ringing – Rev. Ashley Burczak

Joys and Sorrows – Rev. Ashley Burczak
Pastoral sharing from the congregation

Moment of Silence

Sung Response

Reading – Rosalie Clavez
‘Ministry Is All That We Do’ by Gordon B. McKeeman, from “Awakened
from the Forest: Meditations on Ministry”

Sermon– Rev. Ashley Burczak
‘The Beauty of Shared Ministry’

Offering – Colleen Bongiovanni
1/3 of the offering will go to support LAWS (Loudoun Abused Women’s Shelter)

Online Offering

Offering Interlude – Mary Matheny

Extinguishing the Chalice and Covenant – Rosalie Clavez
This congregation is dedicated to the proposition
that behind all our differences and beneath all our diversities,
there is a unity that binds us together and makes us one
in spite of time and death and the space between the stars.
We pause now in silent witness to that unity.
by David Bumbaugh

Benediction – Rev. Ashley Burczak
‘A Prayer of New Beginning’ by Laurie Stuart

Closing Hymn – Rosalie Clavez
#391 ‘Voice Still and Small’

After the service, join us for Coffee Hour on Zoom

Catch up with old friends and make connections with new ones!

Click Here to Join Coffee Hour

Meeting ID: 950 8745 8570
Passcode: 376077

Worship Leader – Rev. Ashley Burczak
Worship Associate – Rosalie Clavez
Board Host – Colleen Bongiovanni
Cantor – Rosalie Clavez
Accompanist – Mary Matheny
Live Stream Operator – Bill Roman
RE Teacher – Carolina Terrazas
RE Teacher – Yvonne Centala