Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Posts by David Lum (Page 54)

How We Fail, And How We Recover

Sunday, Apr 2 – 9:30am and 11:15am How We Fail, And How We Recover – Rev. Anya does not subscribe to optimistic humanism – the idea that we are on a perfect trajectory, onward and upward forever. She presents instead a tragic humanism that recognizes both our tragic faults and our human capacity to recover. Tragic humanism is akin to Christianity’s story…

A Walk In the Dark

Sunday, Mar 26 – 9:30am and 11:15am A Walk In the Dark – A sense of hopelessness can be debilitating, whether it comes from seeing injustice in the world or facing our own struggles. Yet hope can be elusive. Intern John reflects on how to live in that liminal space between hope and hopelessness. With music by Scott Findley and Mark Lorenz.

Tikkun Olam

Sunday, Mar 19 – 9:30am and 11:15am Tikkun Olam – This Jewish concept calls us to repair or redeem the world. This service asks: “How do we safeguard those who are at a disadvantage?” for this is the work of Justice. Rev. Anya, Intern John, and Justice leaders at UUCS share stories of challenge and triumph to speak to our intergenerational audience.