Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Posts by David Lum (Page 56)

Pause, Reflect, Act, Repeat

Sunday, Feb 19 – 9:30am and 11:15am Pause, Reflect, Act, Repeat – Whether we are acting as individuals or as a faith community, we are often best served when we take a sacred pause before jumping into the fray. Intern John leads the service with guest musician Joshua Long.

Love Boldly

Sunday, Feb 12 – 9:30am and 11:15am Love Boldly – Who do you love, and how does that change you? In this intergenerational service Rev. Anya and Intern Minister John reflect on the unexpected consequences of love, and how especially love ‘makes us real.’ Jazz Singer Masha Fiegelson works with John Kim to sing love through every note of our service!

Jesus Revisited

Sunday, Feb 5 – 9:30am and 11:15am Jesus Revisited – Intern John offers an unorthodox perspective on the life and teachings of Jesus and his relevance to Unitarian Universalism today. The spiritual sounds of Woven Green weave through this Taize-style service, in which evocative and repetitive tunes carry the mood. An Inquirer’s Conversation will follow our second service at 12:30 in Rev.…