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Posts by David Lum (Page 63)

This Dog Don’t Wag

Sunday, Oct 16 – 9:30am and 11:15am This Dog Don’t Wag – Perhaps the most difficult work in our media enamored, televised, consumerized, and twitterized world is holding your own ground against the forces attempting to “wag” or change you, for their gain. Rev. Anya calls this spiritual work, that for the sake of our souls, requires our attention. In addition, the…

Our Invisible Differences

Sunday, Oct 9 – 9:30am and 11:15am Our Invisible Differences – Auction Sermon! Our interactions with others often are shaped by assumptions we make about them, or that they make about us, leading both to misunderstandings and missed opportunities to connect. Intern Minister John Monroe explores how we might move beyond our (often false) assumptions and encounter each other where we are,…

Love thy Neighbor – No Exceptions

Sunday, Oct 2 – 9:30am and 11:15am Love thy Neighbor – No Exceptions – The roots of many of the great faith traditions grow from controdictory soil. In one verse it seems they impel us to love our neighbor, while in another, our neighbors are scorned, even executed. How can we read these ancient texts in a way that serves the cause…