Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Holy Envy

Sunday, Nov 27 – 9:30am and 11:15am Holy Envy – As we embark on the Advent Season, the prelude to Christmas, Rev. Anya and Rev. Scott Sammler-Michael share what in the Christian tradition they each individualy respect and revere. Rev. Scott was born to Southern Baptist parents. Rev. Anya was born to one Jewish and one Catholic parent. Both Reverends chose Unitarian…

Gratitude and Loss

Sunday, Nov 20 – 9:30am and 11:15am Gratitude and Loss – The practice of gratitude often comes with a sense of sadness. With each passing year, as we pause to give thanks for the people we love or the gifts we have received, we are reminded of what we have lost. How do we come to terms with the experience of loss…

War and Meaning

Sunday, Nov 13 – 9:30am and 11:15am War and Meaning – Join us at 9:30am, our usual first service time, for a Veterans Day Breakfast for our Veterans, Service Members, Family Members, and supporters. We will share fellowship, enjoy a full breakfast and hear from a Veteran leader while we honor those who sacrificed for the common good. During the 11:15 Worship…