Sunday, April 23rd, 10:00 a.m. “Climate Courage” Led by Rev. John Monroe In the face of a changing planet how do we respond to catastrophe after catastrophe, wild fires, drought, stronger and stronger hurricanes. What does resilience look like in the face of impending crisis? Rev. John Monroe will discuss how we can meet the demands of the moment without burning out.…
Sunday, April 16th, 10:00 a.m. “The Herding Dog’s Guide to a Well Behaved Human” Led by Cassandra Montenegro, Esq. During the 2020 lockdowns and time of isolation, people sought joy and connection in new ways. For some of us, that came in companionship with newly found four legged friends. It can sometimes still be a struggle to understand how we might best…
Sunday, April 9th, 10:00 a.m. “The Empty Tomb” Led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke As we celebrate Easter, how do we interpret the “empty tomb”? What does resurrection mean in our lives? Not just in terms of the Christian story but in terms of our own lives. What does it mean to come back to life? Online and in person