Sunday, December 19th, 10:00 a.m. “A Winter Pageant” Led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke We will be performing an Intergenerational Pageant to celebrate the season. Online and In-Person
Sunday, December 12th, 10:00 a.m. “Cultivating Joy” Led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke Joy is not happiness but an often fleeting glimpse of transcendence in the midst of the mundane. We will look at how we cultivate joy in our lives. Online and In-Person
Sunday, December 5th, 10:00 a.m. “Balance and Harmony” The Holiday season is hectic and chaotic. As we find ourselves enmeshed in the season, let us think of ways to seek quiet and balance amidst the rush. Rev. Aileen will help us think of ways to slow down. Led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke Online and In-Person