Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Small Miracles

Sunday, December 15 – 10:00am Small Miracles – Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Miracles are all around us if we care to look. Rev. Aileen will explore the possibility of looking at the world as though everything is…

We Look to the Stars

Sunday, December 8 – 10:00am We Look to the Stars – The vastness of the universe can leave us in awe. Rev. Aileen will lead us in a service that explores the wonder of the celestial world. From black holes to galaxies that shift and move to the beauty of our own planet, we will explore our fascination with the stars.

Leading With Forgiveness

Sunday, December 1 – 10:00am Leading With Forgiveness – Leading with Forgiveness is about the practice of putting forgiveness at the front of our actions, words, and thoughts. It isn’t always easy to land in a forgiving place, but it is worth the energy and the rewards can be enormous! Come celebrate the power of forgiveness!