Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Driving Down the Road One Day…

Sunday, September 23 – 10:00am Driving Down the Road One Day… – We hop in a car and expect it to go and get us to our destination. But getting where we want to in that auto takes more than a few things to work together. What does it really take to move that vehicle down the road? Rev. Alexa will lead…

Spiritual but not Religious: A Vision for Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century

Sunday, September 16 – 10:00am Spiritual but not Religious: A Vision for Unitarian Universalism in the 21st Century – The Pew Forum for Religion and Public Life reported in its 2014 national survey of religion in the United States that nearly 23% of Americans claim to be “spiritual but not religious” and are not affiliated with any religious institutions. The number is…

Water Communion and Ingathering

Sunday, September 9 – 10:00am Water Communion and Ingathering – A New Church Year Begins! UUCS will celebrate with our annual ingathering service. All ages are welcome and will worship together. You are encouraged to bring a bit of water, representing what you bring to community, to share in our common water communion.