Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Giving the Gift of God

Sunday, Feb 25 – 10:00am Giving the Gift of God – In her final sermon at UUCS, Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael gave the congregation a spiritual charge: To “bequeath the holy” in our collective worship, reveling in and allowing our neighbors’ spiritual truths (however difficult that may be) to touch our own, and creating a deeper understanding of their truths and our own…

Thirty Days of Love Celebration: Multigenerational Service

Sunday, Feb 18 – 10:00am Thirty Days of Love Celebration: Multigenerational Service – In the days between Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday and Valentine’s Day this congregation has reflected and acted on the call of justice, with a focus on racial justice. Today we will share from these experiences and celebrate all that we accomplished, with an eye to how…

Accountable To Love

Sunday, Feb 11 – 10:00am Accountable To Love – As Valentine’s Day approaches, we are reminded that every romantic relationship goes through changes! One of the first and hardest changes comes when the intense emotions of “falling in love” are succeeded by the responsibilities of being accountable to another person for holding up your end of the relationship. This passage from love…