Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Animal Blessings

Sunday, Oct 29 – 9:30am and 11:15am Animal Blessings – Whether we have pets or not, our lives can be blessed by animals and we can bless the animals around us. In this service we will explore animal blessing traditions, share stories about our animal friends, and bless these special companions. You are invited to bring a photo or memento of an…

Cause, Effect, and Punishment

Sunday, Oct 22 – 9:30am and 11:15am Cause, Effect, and Punishment – A Zen koan I know asks “Does an enlightened person fall under the laws of cause and effect?” This koan will be our second sacred text for a sermonic reflection on mistakes, punishment and forgiveness.

A Hard Act To Swallow

Sunday, Oct 15 – 9:30am and 11:15am A Hard Act To Swallow – The Book Of Jonah is a curious story about a cowardly procrastinator who reluctantly, and despite his own efforts, becomes a prophet for compassion, mercy and justice. This sermon will be the first of two exploring sacred text through a liberal religious lens. We’ll look at what Jonah’s story…