Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Sticking to Your Story?

Sunday, Sep 17 – 9:30am and 11:15am Sticking to Your Story? – In his Ware Lecture at the 2017 UUA General Assembly, Bryan Stevenson challenged justice-seeking UU’s to “get proximate” and “change the narrative”. These are actually tasks we can undertake in every aspect of our church’s life.

Heeding the Call of the Permanent

Sunday, Sep 10 – 9:30am and 11:15am Heeding the Call of the Permanent – Nearly two hundred years ago, UU ancestor Rev. Theodore Parker exhorted us to follow “the permanent” in religion rather than the transient. In other words, he wanted us to be clear on what our real work is – our mission – and not be distracted by things that…

Come Hell Or High Water

Sunday, Sep 3 – 10:30am Come Hell or High Water – In this Ingathering multigenerational service, Rev. Wayne will use the story of the Exodus as both a Wonder Box story and a metaphor for the challenges of our congregational life. Can we get to the promised land, come hell or high water? Bring a small container of water that represents meanings…