Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Expired Upcoming Services (Page 101)

This is the category where “Upcoming Services” posts go when they expire.

The Last Full Measure

Sunday, Nov 12 – 9:30am and 11:15am The Last Full Measure – In honoring the fallen, do we focus on their sacrifice or the cause they represented? The first service will begin with a breakfast to honor our veterans, followed by a brief sermon. The second service will include a full sermon.

If I Die

Sunday, Nov 5 – 9:30am and 11:15am If I Die – Confronting Death: One thing for certain; we will all die someday. Join us as we reflect on a topic we believe is liberating and has universal appeal. Sonia Lorenz has been interested in the subject of Death from an early age, much to the chagrin of her peers! Mary Matheny is…

Animal Blessings

Sunday, Oct 29 – 9:30am and 11:15am Animal Blessings – Whether we have pets or not, our lives can be blessed by animals and we can bless the animals around us. In this service we will explore animal blessing traditions, share stories about our animal friends, and bless these special companions. You are invited to bring a photo or memento of an…