Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Expired Upcoming Services (Page 30)

This is the category where “Upcoming Services” posts go when they expire.

“Extravagant Tenderness”

Sunday, March 19th, 10:00 a.m. “Extravagant Tenderness” Led by Rev. John Monroe It’s hard enough to acknowledge and work with our own vulnerabilities. But how do we make space for the vulnerabilities of others? Rev. John Monroe will reflect on how tenderness can help bring wholeness to our relationship with others. Online and in person

“Becoming Whole Together”

Sunday, March 12th, 10:00 a.m. “Becoming Whole Together” Led by Guest Minister So much of the pain in our world comes from division; from living in systems that keep us separate and unequal. Part of our spiritual task as Unitarian Universalists in congregations is to come together. To bring together ignored parts of ourselves, and live into the reality that all are…