Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Expired Upcoming Services (Page 41)

This is the category where “Upcoming Services” posts go when they expire.

“Beauty in a Broken World”

Sunday, May 29th, 10:00 a.m. “Beauty in a Broken World” Led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke The poet John O’Donohue calls beauty, “The homecoming of the human spirit.” Rev. Aileen will explore beauty in all its manifestations and attempt to show how beauty in art, music poetry and art imbue us with a sense of the eternal. Online and in person

“Skin Deep”

Sunday, May 15th, 10:00 a.m. “Skin Deep” Led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke They say “Beauty is Skin Deep” and that is true. Who or what do we find beautiful? Is beauty something more than physical appearance and if so how do we interpret and define beauty? Online and in person