Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Expired Upcoming Services (Page 43)

This is the category where “Upcoming Services” posts go when they expire.

“Open Your Eyes”

Sunday, April 10th, 10:00 a.m. “Open Your Eyes” Led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke Because we are often hurried and rushed, the simplest things escape our gaze. Rev. Aileen invites you to slow down, open your eyes and witness the small joys that are all around particularly in the beautiful season of Spring. Here is a beautiful video to set the tone…

“Green Deen: An Islamic reimagining of environmental ethics”

Sunday, April 3rd, 10:00 a.m. “Green Deen: An Islamic reimagining of environmental ethics” Led by guests Sidra Ali and William Williamson In the holy month of Ramadan, the Quranic scripture is revered by millions across the world for the guidance it offers the ummah, or community. This Sunday, Sidra Ali and William Williamson will discuss how Islamic theology can give us direction…

“Renewing Our Faith”

Sunday, March 6th, 10:00 a.m. “Renewing Our Faith” Led by Rev. Aileen Fitzke It has been an uncertain two years but we as a congregation have weathered it valiantly. This Sunday marks the beginning of our Stewardship Drive. What better way to kick off our dedication to this congregation than to contribute to our future and well being. Online and in person