Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Expired Upcoming Services (Page 79)

This is the category where “Upcoming Services” posts go when they expire.

Singing the Living Tradition

Sunday, January 27 – 10:00am Singing the Living Tradition – The grey hymnbook under each of our chairs in the Sanctuary is an artistic representation of the Unitarian Universalist theology. Just as I was introduced to UU principles through the music and responsive readings, visitors and longtime members alike can reference the hymns (and readings) to remind them of the Spirit of…

Honoring the Memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday, January 20 – 10:00am Honoring the Memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King – Four Thousand children marched in Birmingham, Alabama, on May 2, 1963. People are powerful, children are powerful and we are powerful as well. In an intergenerational service, Rev. Alexa will explore this little known part of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights program.