Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Expired Upcoming Services (Page 84)

This is the category where “Upcoming Services” posts go when they expire.

Sanctuary for ???

Sunday, October 14 – 10:00am Sanctuary for ??? – Sanctuary for you, sanctuary for us and sanctuary for all. But sanctuary from what? Let us explore this month’s theme of sanctuary from the personal to communal. Universalists had this one down. Or did they? Rev. Alexa Fraser will lead this service.

Animal Blessings

Sunday, October 7 – 10:00am Animal Blessings – Whether we have pets or not, our lives can be blessed by animals and we can bless the animals around us. Our guest speaker for this multi-generational service is Tori Kalinsky, a young woman who is visually challenged and who will bring her service dog with her to the service. Tori will speak about…