Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Expired Upcoming Services (Page 94)

This is the category where “Upcoming Services” posts go when they expire.

Personal Spiritual Practices

Sunday, Mar 25 – 10:00am Personal Spiritual Practices – Four UUCS members will speak about their own personal ways of exploring the spiritual in daily life. Whether they look for joy and peace in nature and the outdoors, writing and books, music, or in physical exercise, each person will have something to teach us on how to become centered, purposeful, and fulfilled.

Embracing an 8th Principle

Sunday, Mar 18 – 10:00am Embracing an 8th Principle – How Strong Is Our Faith? It has been 20 years since the UUA passed a resolution to undo racism in our institution. Are we responsible, as Unitarian Universalists, for finishing the unfinished business of racial justice and inclusion? How do we stand in solidarity with the social movements of our times and…