Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Expired Upcoming Services (Page 95)

This is the category where “Upcoming Services” posts go when they expire.

The Crack in Everything

Sunday, Mar 11 – 10:00am The Crack in Everything – In the last interview he gave, the poet/songwriter Leonard Cohen elucidated the teachings in the Kabbalah about how and why our world is broken. I’ve been thinking about what he said ever since. This sermon is a response.

Are You All In?

Sunday, Mar 4 – 10:00am Are You All In? – There’s an interesting paradox in how the phrase “all in” can be used. It usually means “making a total commitment”, but it can also mean “exhausted”. This sermon takes up one of the tasks of this interim ministry – Inviting Leadership — and explores whether it’s possible to be both totally committed…

Giving the Gift of God

Sunday, Feb 25 – 10:00am Giving the Gift of God – In her final sermon at UUCS, Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael gave the congregation a spiritual charge: To “bequeath the holy” in our collective worship, reveling in and allowing our neighbors’ spiritual truths (however difficult that may be) to touch our own, and creating a deeper understanding of their truths and our own…