Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Past Events (Page 10)

Game Night – Spanning the Generations

Local retirement community members will gather with all ages from UUCS to play games from Checkers to Apples to Apples to Charades. This is an outreach opportunity to our elders in Loudoun County as well as a chance for good community fun! Bring a potluck dish to share, considering the theme of Cinco-de-Mayo, the Mexican holiday. Horchata and Sangria will be provided!

Easter Egg Hunt

Immediately following the 11:15am worship service, children are invited to search for eggs filled with prizes!

Women’s Self-Defense Class

The average person takes many measures to protect themselves and their families, including car and home insurance, smoke detectors and carbon monoxide sensors…but what about personal safety? This program allows participants to take responsibility for their own personal safety. Women only, age 16 and up (minors must be accompanied by an adult). Wear comfortable clothes. The fee is $30.00.