Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Past Events (Page 11)

Animals, Our Nature, and UUs: Bringing Our Principles to Life

Rev. Dr. LoraKim Joyner–inspiring speaker, wildlife veterinarian, UU minister, and trainer in Nonviolent Communication–will lead an interactive workshop for adults and teens to help us live compassionately and joyfully in a multispecies world. By nurturing our emotional, social, multispecies, ecological, and spiritual intelligences, we can experience greater belonging, beauty, reverence, wholeness, joy, and vitality. This is an opportunity to unearth the deep…

7th Annual Jazz Poetry Slam!      

Say it like you mean it, and feel the love! Poets will be offered 3 minutes to recite their poem over quiet jazz.  Spoken-word artists, muses, rappers, students, student-groups, actors, first time poets, dreamers, activists, etc. are encouraged to bring their truth. $15 Donation requested to Slam / $10 Donation requested to Attend Cash Prizes! Cash Bar! Insane amounts of Affirmation! Unitarian…

Basic Tactics of The Activist Ninjas!

Learn basic and effective tools that individuals can use to participate in community activism. No prior experience needed, no time commitments requested, no particular political slant required. This will be all about getting your words out, not about what they ought to be.