Sunday, July 19th, 10:00 a.m.
“Held in Love”
2020 has been a hard year and it is natural to feel anxiety, fear, and anger in the face of injustice and uncertainty. This is simply part of being human. But we are also gifted with a superhero power called compassion which holds our own and others’ suffering in courageous presence and love. As Martin Luther King, Jr. declared, “I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality.” Join UUCS as we reflect on the ways in which we are held in love even in the middle of great difficulties. By remembering and savoring our own experiences of compassion, we can become the loving presence our families, communities, and the world so desperately need at this time.
Led by Laura Banks.
Laura Banks completed her training as a Certified Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT) Instructor in 2018 while working at UUCS as the office administrator. UUCS will forever be woven into her commitment to strengthen her own and others’ capacity to thrive and find meaning throughout life, especially through the cultivation of compassion.