Building a loving, diverse, caring community

We Are Not Alone

Sunday, June 12 – 10:30am We Are Not Alone – Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael leads our annual Service of the Living Tradition, where we honor the births, deaths, losses, and hopes of our year in community, together. Our UUCS Band “JUUstUUs” rocks contemporary and classic songs including David Bowie’s “Lazarus,” the song he wrote to explore his own death.

Learning Together

Sunday, June 5 – 10:30am Learning Together – All ages gather in appreciation of the wisdom and learning that has touched and transformed us this year. Children and adults share from their religious education classes, the choir sings, Rev. Anya and Linda Weaver lead, and we mark the Bridging of Holly Fitzgerald from the youth group to Young-adulthood. This is an intergenerational…

Touched by Fire

Sunday, May 29 – 9:30am and 11:15am Touched by Fire – Touched by the Fires of Truth, Love, justice and equality for all, Chaplain Pratima Dharm pays special tribute to the Veterans and Military personnel in our community on Memorial Day Weekend Service, by sharing her own experiences of ministry in the midst of war in the United States Army. Chaplain Dharm…