Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Sermons on All Sermons (Page 66)

A Transforming Faith [sermon]

Sunday, 05 April 2009

Reading and sermon written and delivered by Rev. Anya Sammler-Michael, from a topic suggested by Bryan George. Reading: Our reading is a meditation from the Unitarian Universalist minister Bruce Marshall. I had the honor recently of meeting Bruce Marshall, he was speaking at a minister’s event nearby. Bruce has been serving the Tennessee Valley congregation in Knoxville as an associate pastoral care minister since they experienced the tragedy of having a gunman come into their sanctuary where two were killed and six were injured. So Bruce’s presence in Knoxville has been a presence of persistence, a presence of listening to pain and holding sadness and helping that community move towards healing. In this piece, “Taking Pictures of God” he speaks of a different force, but one that we might understand in some ways as similar.

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