Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Sermons from 2023 (Page 4)

“Home is Where the Heart Is?”

“Home is Where the Heart Is?” Home means different things to different people. Join our Music Director Kris Adams and help the Church Rock band jUUStUUS explore the various types of home through music and the spoken word.

“You Don’t Have To Save Them All”

“You Don’t Have To Save Them All” Led by Rev. Ashley Burczak Rev. Ashley explores how we make room for empathy and self care in the face of overwhelming global suffering.

“Belief and Inquiry”

“Belief and Inquiry” Led by Rev. John Monroe One of the often-overlooked turning points in our Unitarian Universalist history occurred in 1921, when John Dietrich made the case for expanding the Unitarian tradition beyond its Christian heritage. Rev. John will explore what this event means for our UU tradition today.