Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Social Justice

Social Justice at UUCS

Current and Future Endeavors:

  1. Plate donations & goods— A portion of our Sunday service offering goes to a local charitable organization chosen for each month. There are additional opportunities to donate clothing and goods, and direct volunteering.
  2. UU the Vote — We encourage voter participation in state and U.S. elections with highly effective postcard writing. Our outreach is to under-served voters, new voters, young people, and previous voters.
  3. Supporting AllyshipBeginning with history and moving to current day events, we discuss and educate ourselves about racism, how people of color have been disadvantaged, and how we can help stand together to promote equity. Members have attended training sessions and we would like to share this information with whoever would like to learn. We plan to hold educational sessions to present key parts of this fascinating material, and discuss how we can best promote Allyship in the future.
  4. Event participation— These include rallies, vigils, and other important gatherings that promote equality for all, mourn for victims of mass shootings, support transgender and LGBTQ rights, and draw attention to other important issues. As activities occur, we hope to provide information and help organize UUCS congregants who would like to attend.
  5. Poetry Slam— this yearly event gives people from a wider community and a voice about social and personal issues in an art-form that entertains and brings people together.
  6. Environmental & Climate Justice— We are looking for ways to broaden our work and education regarding conservation, park cleanup, best environmental practices, and planning for our children’s futures.  We need ideas and volunteers for this.
    • The Loudoun Wildlife Conservancy is a local all-volunteer non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the preservation and proliferation of healthy wildlife habitats throughout Loudoun County. Their work includes education, events, publications, environmental research, as well as habitat restoration.
  7. Planning More— Help us take on more issues and activities to promote social justice.  Please share your thoughts.

To participate or hear more please contact us directly or through the email below.   We are looking for your opinions and suggestions about Social Justice.

The Social Justice Committee

Contacts:  Denise Dittmar (SJ Chair), John Gallant (UU the Vote)


Upcoming UUCS Social Justice Meetings

Sunday, January 7, 2024 – at 11:15 am (after service)