Building a loving, diverse, caring community

“Centering” a Mid-Year Retreat

Please note change of venue!!!! The deep winter months are a time for centering – for deepening our understanding of ourselves and offering ourselves compassion.  Sarah Keely, Unitarian Universalist and Licensed Professional Counselor, leads our Mid-Year Retreat. Sarah uses the Enneagram, a system for mapping personality types.  The Enneagram provides participants with a framework for understanding their personality, as well as the personalities of friends, family and coworkers.

Requested Donation: $5.00, to cover breakfast food and supplies.

Pre-work: Registrants are encouraged to investigate their own Enneagram type before the retreat.  Sarah will provide all registrants with a study guide.  Registrants will be able to choose to take on-line test for $10.00, or independently study the types and ‘type’ themselves using the study guide provided by Sarah.

Second Session: Those interested in serving on a Pastoral Care Team are invited to stay for the second session, from 12:30-3:30, where Sarah will explore the Enneagram’s wisdom for pastoral caregivers.

Additional Requested Donation: $5.00, to cover a lunch, for those staying for the second session.


When you rsvp, please indicate if you have childcare needs and/or if you intend to stay for the second session.