Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Congregational Forum on our new Mission, Covenant, and Vision

The Draft follows. Please join us for this important opportunity to share your voice, before we vote at the Annual Meeting.
If you cannot make this forum but would like to schedule a conversation, please email Rev. Anya at

MISSION: Seek, Love, and Serve Boldly

COVENANT: This congregation is dedicated to the proposition that behind all our differences and beneath all our diversities, there is a unity that binds us together and makes us one in spite of time and death and the space between the stars.

VISION: We envision UUCS as…

  • An enduring refuge, widely known and honored throughout Loudoun County, Virginia, as well as the surrounding region.
  • A flagship congregation boldly nurturing lay leaders for courageous and transformative ministry.
  • An evolving community breaking barriers to increase the number of individuals we serve and expand our inclusion and representation of diversity in all its forms.