Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Child Care Guidelines

UUCS’ childcare guidelines can be downloaded here.

Safety Policy Highlights for Church-Related Events

As a spiritual community the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Sterling (UUCS) is dedicated to creating a safe space for children, youth, and adults. The Safety Policy serves our whole community, helping to protect children and youth from abusive and manipulative behavior, adults from the legal consequences of a possible misunderstanding, and the congregation from spiritual, emotional, and financial harm. We invite you to think of UUCS as your religious home and to help keep it a safe place for all ages to worship, explore, share, and celebrate in community.

  • There must be at least one responsible adult over age 21 and a second person 13 years of age or older in every room with children during any church-related event or activity. When high school youth gather, there must be at least two adults over age 21.

  • The UUCS Safety Policy contains a few exceptions if connecting rooms that are not easily accessible from outside are used for childcare. Check with the DRE.

  • You may request childcare following the guidelines on the back of this page.

  • If the appropriate level of childcare is not available, children must remain with their parents or guardians. Doors to the designated child care areas will be closed and signs will be posted indicating that childcare is not available and that the designated child care areas may only be used by children or youth accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.

Guidelines for Requesting Childcare

1) Childcare will be provided only if requested by the organizers/leaders for:
a. Committee meetings (on Sundays or at other times)
b. Church social events
c. Adult RE courses
d. Other church-sponsored events

e. Weddings or memorial services (provided free by members or paid by requester)
2) Childcare is automatically arranged for:
a. During Sunday services (nursery program)
b. Inquirer’s Class (generally first Sundays of the month)

c. Congregational Business Meetings (Annual meeting and other specially called meetings – ONLY those designated as congregational meetings per the bylaws)
d. Town Hall meetings

e. Annual Congregational Retreat

f. Family Support Circle meetings

g. Major church ceremonies, such as Ordination and Building Dedication

3) When advertising that childcare is available, use these words:

“Childcare provided if enough requests are received at least one week in advance.”

How to make your request:

***Childcare cannot be guaranteed for requests made less than a week in advance.***

1) Give notice at least one week in advance (two weeks, or as soon as you know you will need childcare, is preferable).

2) Submit your request to the childcare coordinator or Director of Religious Exploration by email at

3) If email is not possible, leave a message at 703-406-3068.

4) When submitting your request you must furnish the following information:
a. Your name
b. Your contact information for follow up (email / phone number)
c. Cell phone number of person who will be in charge on site during the event/meeting
d. The name of the committee/group/event requesting childcare
e. The date and time when care is needed (Please estimate the actual time at which the
caregiver will be able to leave.  For example, if your event is expected to end at 2:00, allow some extra time for all of the children to be picked up and for clean-up of the childcare
area.  Fifteen minutes is generally sufficient, so an end-time of 2:15 for childcare would be appropriate.)
f. The room at the church in which the meeting will be taking place
g. The approximate number and ages of children who will need care

PLEASE keep in mind that childcare is costly, at $10-15 per hour per caregiver and that a minimum of two caregivers are required at all times.  Confirm with parents that childcare will be needed before submitting your request.  If you should learn before your event that care will not be needed after all, alert the childcare coordinator immediately.

Guidelines recommended by the UUCS Lifespan Faith Development Council April 26, 2010. Revised February 29, 2016.