Building a loving, diverse, caring community

Proposed Board Member Biographies

Mark Lorenz – President (returning member)

Why did you become a Unitarian Universalist?
I was raised in the Catholic Church and did all of the compulsory things required of good Catholic boys. I was really drawn to the youth group where I found a community of love and acceptance. It wasn’t until I was older and in recovery that I again experienced the value of a loving community and began to transition to a more personal style of spirituality. As a UU, I’m encouraged and supported to grow in that spirituality. Moreover, we’re not focused on after-life, but rather on making the world into the place we dream through application of the 7 principles in our lives.
Why did you become a member of UUCS?
UUCS was the first UU congregation that I visited. We came to UUCS to help plan and attend my wife’s ex-husband’s celebration of life service. I was moved by the outpouring of love for him and the connections that he had made with the congregation. The congregation was also very welcoming and supportive of us. We began attending regularly shortly thereafter and continued to experience the love and acceptance of the community.

Why did you become a member of the board? What do you hope to accomplish?
I felt honored to be asked to serve on the Board during this important transition period as we exit the interim ministry phase and enter the settled ministry phase with Rev. Aileen. I see this as an opportunity to work with the board to help the congregation and minister live our mission and vision statement.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
I enjoy spending time with my wife and family. Being retired, I’ve had an opportunity to increase time spent with my family, and also other friends. I enjoy listening to and performing music, so I’m in the choir and the rock band. I also enjoy tending to our bee and butterfly-attracting gardens at home.


Bill Roman – Vice President (new member)

Why did you become a Unitarian Universalist?
I was raised Catholic but the religion never spoke to me. I stopped going as soon as I grew up and moved out of my parents home. I did not attend any church for years until my children were born. One day, when Rachael was little (in the 90’s), she asked us why we did not go to church but her friends did. Her mother and I felt it was better to find a church we could commit to than to have her go to someone else’s church that we were not super comfortable with. We found UUS through online searching and began attending.

Why did you become a member of UUCS?
After going semi regularly, I decided to become a member as we were pretty involved in the church activities as a family.

Why did you become a member of the board? What do you hope to accomplish?
I was honored to be asked to serve on the board. I have not served in a position since the ministerial search committee several years ago and it seemed like a good time to serve a term. I hope to provide the board with wise decision making based on my decades of association with this church and my general life and business experience.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Shelly and I love to be outside and hike trails through woods, mountains, and other beautiful places. I love spending time with my adult children and my other family members, and friends.  I also love the theater, Broadway shows, and science fiction entertainment, especially Star Trek and Star Wars.


Jack Hazerjian –Secretary (returning member)

Why did you become a Unitarian Universalist?
Although raised as a Christian (Armenian Apostolic Church), I soured on practicing religion in my early teens, although I have always retained an intellectual interest in the rituals and sacred art making of world religions. I am more inspired by spiritualism than by religiosity in finding my measure and standing within this world. As such, the UU Church’s willingness to receive me, despite my theological doubts and distancing, allows me to stand in the circle of a welcoming community on my own terms.

Why did you become a member of UUCS?
My sister and brother-in-law, Stephanie and Paul Roche, are founding members of UUCS, and I was introduced to the church by them. Once I had sold my house in Chapel Hill, NC in 2019 and moved in with them, I started attending service and helping out with church activities, like the auction. Moreover, I befriended a number of UUCS congregants (a number of whom are also UUCS founders), and joining the church seemed a natural way to sustain that friendship. However, it was only in early 2021 that I officially became a UUCS member, since I have been splitting my last two years between Virginia and Massachusetts.

Why did you become a member of the board? What do you hope to accomplish?
I consider myself a helping person – I have worked with non-profit organizations my whole professional career – and serving on the UUCS Board seemed to be a way for me to show my commitment to the church and to contribute to its functioning, although in a rather, back office way. I enjoy problem solving, both singly and with a group of persons, and I foresaw that the Board would be grappling with numerous issues, many unlike those confronted by my past experiences, but ones that I felt would be interested to address in a collective effort.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?
Besides spending time with family, I am an avid museum goer, dedicated word game puzzler, and occasional nature photographer. Still working at a (new) full-time job, I do not have as much time as I would like to read books, but I have big plans upon retirement in the not-so-distant future for delving into my library and for rekindling some spark of artistic creativity that I had had before entering the work force way back when.