Building a loving, diverse, caring community


UUCS Reopening Status

Reopening Status

The Reopening Task Force met on May 12th to review the new CDC metrics for Covid cases and hospitalizations, and assess our response. At this time, we will continue to hold in-person and online worship services and meetings, and we will continue to require face masks to be worn by all participants.  As the newest Covid variant is spreading in Virginia, the number of cases is rising, but we are not yet seeing significant increases in the number of hospitalizations.  The CDC’s Community Transmission risk level is currently MEDIUM. We will continue to monitor these metrics and discern any changes to our current status.

We encourage you to think and act thoughtfully on how you wish to engage with in worship services and meetings. Attending services and meetings In-person is ultimately your individual choice and responsibility, and we invite you to reflect and  consider your individual risk when deciding.  Please be aware that we will allow unvaccinated children less than 5 years of age to attend services and participate in RE or nursery care. We will also schedule services designated as multi-generational in the future.

As always, if you feel ill or less than fully healthy, please remain home and enjoy and participate in the service online and know that we are glad you are with us in whatever way suits and honors your situation and wishes.

Background:  Recently, the CDC modified its classification of Community Transmission Risk due to the effectiveness of the vaccinations in preventing serious illness.  Instead of a 4 or 5-level classification, there is now just a 3-level classification for risk:  Low, Medium, and High. Additionally, the boundaries for the different levels accommodates a higher number of cases before moving to the next highest level.  See Loudoun County, Virginia (VA) – U.S. COVID Tracker – Covid Act Now.