Building a loving, diverse, caring community


Worship is not something we experience, it is something we do—and worship means shaping worth.

Many new Unitarian Universalists who learn that we do not have a common creed or statement of belief ask, “What are we worshiping?”

The term worship comes from the Old English word weorthscipe. This word is formed from two others: weorth, which means “worth” and scipe, which means “to shape.” So worship literally means “to shape worth.”

We come together to shape what is worthy in our lives — to find sustenance when we are aching, to celebrate when we are full, and to deepen emotionally, intellectually and spiritually to give our lives meaning.

Worship at our congregation is not about shaping beliefs, but shaping worth.  You will not be told what to believe.  You will be encouraged to discern your own beliefs, while you are challenged to become your best self.  Our lives are so full and hectic, if we do not carve out space in our lives to shape what is of worth, it may elude us.

Worship Leaders

Depending on the week, our Sunday worship service will be led by our minister, Reverend Ashley Burczak (approx. 3x/month); our affiliate minister, Reverend John Monroe (approx. once/month); or lay/guest leaders (approx. once/month).  We are fortunate to have many inspiring voices in our pulpit.